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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Corri's Gory Awards: 2011

Hello avid horror fans!

As I was perusing some of my older work, I realized that I had not, in two years, done one "Year in Review" appalling.  The following is my attempt to remedy that.  Next to each category you will find: the name of the film that won the award, a link from the title of the film to my review for you to check out, and a favorite quote of mine from the review.  Happy hunting, and my apologies for not having the foresight to have done this two years ago.

2011: In Review

Most fun movie to review: Splice 
"Other than the unique story line and pseudo-interesting beginning, this movie really blows." 

Least fun movie to review: A Perfect Getaway
"...despite this movie not being that great, it's worth seeing if you've got nothing better to do."

Biggest surprise, for the better: White Noise 2: The Light 
"One of my favorite parts of having this blog is that I now watch horror movies whether I think they will suck or not, which gives me the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised every once in awhile by a diamond in the rough like this one."

Biggest surprise, for the worse: Straw Dogs
"I'm hoping the book and first movie are better, but seeing this version has inhibited me from researching this story further due to its extreme sucky-ness."

Goriest: Final Destination 5 
"The introduction was probably the coolest part in terms of 3-D effects, but the movie does a good job of inserting them without fail into most death scenes."

Scariest:The Exorcism of Emily Rose 
"You know an actor does a great job when it isn't until the fifth time you've seen the movie that you think, "Gosh, that must've been really hard PRETENDING to be possessed..." because the thought that they aren't actually possessed hadn't occurred to you."

Most thought provoking: The Secret
"Due to its unique nature, it was highly unpredictable.  This forced me to constantly be vigilant as to what was going on, so I wouldn't miss a critical moment. "

Worst all around: The Lost Tribe
"I can't find a way to wrap up this review, other than to urge you not to watch it, or at least find a way to turn it into a drinking game."

Best all around: Devil
"A good story, be it horror or other genre, does not leave loose ends and this film does a good job of fitting all of that goodness into one, tight 80 minute package.  It's about quality, not quantity, people."

I sincerely hope you check out some of these movies if you haven't done so, at least the ones with the decent reviews.  I will be posting my 2012: In Review pretty soon too, but since I have only made a whopping TWELVE posts for 2013 I have to get on watching some more movies as well.  I hope you enjoyed my insights, and look for more to come shortly!

Horrifically yours,

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